Sunday, October 12, 2014

This post is happening for a reason.

Stand ye warned. This is a rant. It is not going to be eloquent, it is not going to be structured, it is not going to be overtly rational. It is pure, unrestrained, fuck your excuses.

"Everything happens for a reason" <---- THE biggest cop-out of the species. Be more sensitive, say that you honestly don't know what to say or that you don't have words. It. is. NOT. comforting. If someone tried to "justify" most of these situations being caused by a person, the person would be called a psychopath and locked away or killed, and the one making the excuses would be institutionalized.

NO ONE should have the last remaining tatters of their pride stripped from them, be hand-bathed and spoon fed as an infant for three days with their face melted and every labored breath causing them agony because of scorched windpipes before passing. NO ONE should be born only to be crippled in their first few weeks of life by a FEVER and have all the "could have been"s stripped away without ever seeing them- to build SOME semblance of progress and then be told that it was for nothing- the condition has worsened and there is NOTHING that can be done. NO ONE should lose all sense of who they are or what's gone on around them and either be tortured with re-learning that their child died before them or torture their families with asking how they are. NO ONE should die alone as a Jane Doe, their family torn in two locations with critical injuries unable to locate their family. NO ONE should fear not being able to seek justice for their family, that a monster might walk free while their family lives with the impact of their choices for the rest of their lives. NO ONE should have to watch their beloved waste away and die, be hospitalized themselves and come home to find that some unswallowed load robbed them of their precious memories because they heard that the pair were en-route to the hospital over a police scanner. NO ONE should have to bury their child, or worse yet be left with nothing but an empty casket.

It does NOT all happen for a reason- there IS no reasoning for it! It's sadistic, it's torture. And if there IS something grand and omnipotent behind it they are no god- they are simply playing with a magnifying glass and delighting in the suffering they cause. It is meaningless chaos.

If such a being does exist and is reading this- FUCK YOU.

~Night Rose

Saturday, October 4, 2014

I'm the only one allowed to kick that much ass Gamora.

     The other half and I went to see Guardians of the Galaxy last night...

     IT WAS ABSOLUTELY MIND-BLOWING. Great balance of humor, action, skirted romance, mystery, misery and of course, Groot. The jokes made me literally laugh out loud, the pain made me cringe. The battles had me at the edge of my seat and the drama tore the beating heart out of my chest and ate it.

     Pretty much Guardians of the Galaxy was everything it needed to be to truly do the universe justice. Several other Hero movies have attempted, a few have done above average. Guardians of the Galaxy nailed it, plated it in gold and put it on its ample trophy shelf. Hands-down the best movie I've seen in a long time.

     SO MANY SPOILERS I COULD SHARE. But I'm trying to do the right thing and not ruin it. Go, watch it for yourself. Take in the epic fullness that movie theaters have been cheating us out of for so damn long. If you can, find it in 3D. But watch it. You will not be sorry.

We can all be heroes like Kevin Bacon.
~Night Rose

Friday, October 3, 2014

Throw me a fricken bone here Scott!

     So one of my first realizations going into this I Am That Girl project was that I needed to stop procrastinating.

     ...Obviously I have a lot of work to do. :-D

     But, in all seriousness it is one of my major hangups. I have a million-plus things I could be doing at any given point. The chance that I'm going to settle on the one I really SHOULD be doing? Not very high. I get restless extremely easily, and tend to flit from medium to medium (typically mid-project leaving a LOT of un-finished Rose-isms... oooh pie!)

     I really am terrible. I'm not going to say I per-say admit it... more like I own it. But, the first step is realizing that there's a situation to begin with right?

     You see what I did there yet? Feel free to discover your own. I'm not here to tell you who to be, or HOW to be. That's your job. I'm just here to share my own adventure.

Hurry up and grab yours by the ponytail.

~Night Rose