Thursday, September 10, 2015

Rememberance and Tolerance

Tonight I will be explaining the significance of tomorrow to my children. Aaron's taking a field trip to a Fire Station to pay respects to firefighters, and Erica's been asked to wear Red, White and Blue.

I will be explaining to them that a group of people sought to bring fear to our country. They wanted to hurt others in order to demonstrate their dedication to what they believed. That many, many innocent people died. And I will be telling them of the brave souls who sacrificed themselves in a Pennsylvania field to ensure they did not become weapons at well. I will tell them of how this one terrible event unified our country, and stoked the flame of patriotism.

I will explain to them that this was done by Terrorists. I will, unfortunately, have to explain to them that many generalize these Terrorists with the term Muslims. For my children, the idea of a Muslim is their aunt, who colors with them and spoils them rotten. Already today my feed is alight with anti-Islamic memes but to blame the actions of a few radicalists on an entire culture is wrong. That is like blaming the picketing of soldier's funerals on ALL Christians rather than on the Westboro Baptists. I'm pretty sure any Christian would be offended to be associated in such a manner, just like my children would hate to see their aunt's people slandered for a crime they did not commit. I am glad that I can teach my children tolerance, and I hope I am not alone.

Remember the Victims and Heroes of 9/11, may they rest in peace and may we who carry their memories do so in honor.

~Night Rose