Thursday, September 10, 2015

Rememberance and Tolerance

Tonight I will be explaining the significance of tomorrow to my children. Aaron's taking a field trip to a Fire Station to pay respects to firefighters, and Erica's been asked to wear Red, White and Blue.

I will be explaining to them that a group of people sought to bring fear to our country. They wanted to hurt others in order to demonstrate their dedication to what they believed. That many, many innocent people died. And I will be telling them of the brave souls who sacrificed themselves in a Pennsylvania field to ensure they did not become weapons at well. I will tell them of how this one terrible event unified our country, and stoked the flame of patriotism.

I will explain to them that this was done by Terrorists. I will, unfortunately, have to explain to them that many generalize these Terrorists with the term Muslims. For my children, the idea of a Muslim is their aunt, who colors with them and spoils them rotten. Already today my feed is alight with anti-Islamic memes but to blame the actions of a few radicalists on an entire culture is wrong. That is like blaming the picketing of soldier's funerals on ALL Christians rather than on the Westboro Baptists. I'm pretty sure any Christian would be offended to be associated in such a manner, just like my children would hate to see their aunt's people slandered for a crime they did not commit. I am glad that I can teach my children tolerance, and I hope I am not alone.

Remember the Victims and Heroes of 9/11, may they rest in peace and may we who carry their memories do so in honor.

~Night Rose

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

So... the last post was heartfelt and moving... time for the controversial one.

Well, here it goes.

I'm not Christian.

I support Gay Marriage

I do not support religious advertising, in any form, in a common public forum from ANY religious cult/sect/organization/commune/etc. The ONLY flags that should be displayed in any public place are the flags of Country, State, the P.O.W. flag, or the flag affiliated the location or the company operating it.

No one whether individual or assembly should have the power to condone or ratify actions which cause permanent damage to our planet or its resources. We do not own the planet, it is on loan from our children and it's their throats we slit every time such a decision is made.

Oh, you're still reading. Now we get into the good stuff.

Lately, religious slogans and icons have been being pulled from government buildings and schools. Changes are being made that give religion less influence over the country en masse and limiting overall exposure, particularly with the Christian sects. I have to admit, when this started I let out a breath of relief. Sure, for a little while there was a spike in Pastor Bob trying to "save" you outside your local convenience store, but there was a lessening in the awkward "No, I don't go to church" or "No, my children have no idea who Jesus Christ is except that it's an exclamation of severe frustration" conversations. I was nervous about ever having to testify in court and being made to swear an oath over a Christian bible- 'cause there's no better way to prove your trustworthiness than to lie by swearing to some book you don't give a rat's ass about. Now, a person goes in and it's a reflection of their character, not their religious affiliation. Personally, we've finally come to a time where you aren't allowed to play favorites and give one religious organization more liberties than another, and you don't have to participate in archaic religious practices if they're not your own. You don't have to be wonder if you're going to be tried by the standards of a system that is not your own. You are an American Citizen within the great melting pot of the world- everyone has the same footing. No one gets extra cookies because they follow the same translation of a book that has literally HUNDREDS of different versions, and the majority of the followers of those different versions can't get along with one another but they all want THEIR religion to run the country. Yep. Makes sense to me...

The best part is, they're playing the victim card. "Removing God from schools is the reason for this country's problems", "Gay marriage is damning this country to Hell", pretty much if it isn't influenced by the big J.C. (provided he's the savior of your sect) it's going to send us all into the spiraling infernal praise the lord amen.

Wait a second, "someone else" is responsible for all our woes as a country? Anyone not with the "In Crowd" is lesser? Propaganda that paints differing beliefs and practices as unnatural and dangerous? Heil dem Führer!

...sorry about that, had a flashback to 1930's Germany, during the rise of xenophobia. They thought that the Jews, Polish, Gypsies, and pretty much anyone NOT of the superior German bloodline was to blame for the suffering their country endured after WWI. Now we have a much easier scapegoat. Anyone not willing to have their lives run by a church OR is not completely satisfied with their role as clearly defined to them in one of the versions of the Bible. ESPECIALLY if they are misguided enough to think God sent them down in the wrong form, or find love in a form not clearly outlined by said book.

Speaking of, Gay Marriage. That's another fun one. "Gays shouldn't be allowed to marry because it goes against God's will."

First of all, didn't G give man FREE will? As in, the choice to do as pleases him? According to the whole Adam and Eve story, G pretty much kicked our race out for being disobedient punks anyway. Eventually he came around and killed his own son to punish the race for their misdeeds, and make it so everyone can go back to the party someday. Sounds like he's already admitted he can be a bit of a prick. So, if he was wrong about that subject of free will, and has made mistakes before, what are the chances they weren't made all over the place? And in gruesomely  punishing his own kid (sick, by the way) he tried to make amends for the mistakes that hadn't come to light yet?

Even if the man up stairs does care about what gender a person finds themselves attracted to, the loyal followers made Marriage such a socioeconomic factor, that it really isn't a matter of religion any more. Between tax laws, inheritance laws, insurance practices, custody laws, and all the other areas where marriage status has a direct impact, it really has become an issue of state. Not everyone gets "married" in the Christian custom. Some people just go to the Justice of the Peace and sign some papers. Congratulations, you just signed half of everything you have and are to someone. Hope they're trustworthy. Given that "Gay" love has been recognized as something that exists within our country, how on a legal level does any church feel they have any right to object that they be allowed to be as miserable as the rest of us? For that matter, what makes you think that NOT allowing "Gays" to marry is going to solve anything? They're not going to stop being "Gay" just because they aren't given the same freedoms as everyone else. They're still going to bump uglies, but now on top of being gay it's going to be adultery as well. But at least Marriage is held sacred for people like Linda Wolfe.

In all seriousness though- what real impact does ANY of this have on the life of the average American Christian? Your obnoxious Gay neighbors aren't going anywhere just because you won't let them marry, your Holy Book itself bans religious icons, yet you throw fits to keep them in place. It makes no sense.

Just my opinion, but at least it's out in the open.

~Night Rose

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Sea Glass

We all come into this world as beautiful glass bottles- filled to the brim with wonderful goodness to share with the world. Some are sweet, some are bitter, and some are utterly intoxicating. Some give you a sugar rush, and some get better with age.

And some are drained well before their time. Misused, and left broken to try and piece themselves together. Lamentable, mere shards of their original splendor. They cannot imagine being loved as the shards they now are, and wonder if perhaps that is their own fault. People walk by the shards without a second glance, or throw them away as worthless garbage.

But some, a very lucky few, find their way to the sea. Over many years (it averages 20-30 years) they are churned and tumbled with the waves and sand of the ocean. They lose their inherent shine, their smooth surface and take on a frosted finish and appear to glow from deep within.

When the time is right, the sea returns the glass to the beach. Now, the same passerby who would not spare a glance or tossed them aside notice them. They are rare, coveted. They are Sea Glass. Despite humble beginnings, and tragic circumstances they have been remade into something even more beautiful than before.

But they could not have become as they are now were it not for the original hardships, were they not broken they could not have been swept away with the tide. Had they not been reduced to shards, they could not have become jewels.

We are not broken, we are not lost, we are not wrong. We are sea glass. We are who we are. Not everyone can appreciate the same beauty, some eyes are blinded by the inner glow. We were not created to thrive in a controlled environment. We are beautiful as we are, and do not require refinishing.

Remember your inner peace, recognize your unique beauty, remember your own strength. You were tumbled by waves, the fury of the ocean herself could not reduce you. As you were broken, now you are whole. You are no longer a shard- you are a gem of the sea. 


Too often, we allow our worth to be measured by the rules of others. Their opinions, their standards. To the average person, a broken bottle is garbage. Because it no longer serves their purpose, it is without value. It cannot sit on a shelf and be beautiful, it can no longer hold beverages. Its original value is gone. However, there are rare people. They comb the beach in the spring and during low tides looking for sea glass. They appreciate the unique beauty that can only come from being broken, churned, and re-emerging. 

Many people prefer to use the metaphor of turning into a butterfly. But a caterpillar begins life with the expectation that they will go through metamorphosis and gain their beautiful wings. They do not struggle, they simply fulfill what is expected of them. A glass bottle, on the other hand, is never expected to be anything more than what it is expected to be; a vessel. When its time as a vessel is spent the bottle is discarded. Becoming Sea Glass exceeds that expectation, and takes an entirely unexpected path to do so. It is beauty beyond original purpose, and as such is something to be admired.

~Night Rose

Thursday, January 15, 2015

To My Younger Siblings' New "Dad"

Part of me has dreaded your arrival, imagined the pain it would cause
Hearing them call for Daddy and for me to turn to find you.
Knowing that you will sit in attendance of their achievements
With our mother it will be you who helps guide them to adulthood.
It will be you who stands in when they go astray or falter
Likely, it will be you who takes pictures
As they walk down the aisle to that hard-earned diploma

It will be you who reminds upstart boys of their manners
And the type of  young women my sisters were raised to be.
It will be you who helps with my younger brother
As he and my mother travel his hard road
Likely, it will be you who walks them down the aisle
And has the honor of that sacred paternal dance.

It will be you, who they refer to as Dad.

For me it will be a reminder of what HE would have done.
What he would have said, what he would have felt.
A reminder of the glowing pride he had from their first days.
A reminder of all the things he looked forward to
And the Daddy they never knew.
I can't help it, he was the one there for me.

I don't say this to cause you pain
Nor to make you feel guilty for the place you now hold.
I love my siblings, with all my heart.
And they deserve SOMEONE, I think it could be you
It's what he would have wanted too.

But please, this one thing I ask;
Remember the honor of the name.
It's a heavy weight, and should not lightly be taken.
For all its perks, it is a heady responsibility

To me, he was the best there ever was and cannot be replaced.
For them, I hope you can make the absence less.
There will be times it is difficult
And you might wonder what you were thinking
They ARE teenagers, and will have their moments.
I pray they are more tame than were mine.

I have dreaded your arrival, I doubt it will ever not hurt.
But, even if their Dad is not our Daddy
I am glad they will have your support, your guidance
I am glad they will have you.
If I seem moody, remember my perspective, take no offense.
I wasn't ready to lose MY Daddy
But, for them, "Dad" has become synonymous
With you.

~Night Rose