Friday, December 20, 2013

Holiday Spirit

     First off- a merry holiday I wish to you and yours. No matter what your personal holiday this season is. I choose to label mine with the name "christmas" (yes, the lowercase C is important- but I'll explain that later on) but I have no qualms with the fact that others gather their families to celebrate with other wonderful traditions this time of year.

     Well, I suppose I should explain my definition of "christmas" before I lose the one person reading this for thinking that I'm disrespecting their religious holiday. Quite the opposite- Merry Christmas to you too dear. My "christmas" is defined simply as this- I am NOT Christian- the Savior has never played a role in my home or holidays. For me, "christmas" is a time when I gather with those I care about to celebrate our bonds of love and friendship. Indeed- even my "christmas" tree is centered around that theme- each of my ornaments is a gift from a loved one, and as I go through my ornaments every year they remind me of all the wonderful people in my family's world- and beautify my home with their seemingly eccentric theme. I mean no disrespect to the Christian holiday- it's simply not something I was raised with. After all, most of the older holidays are taken from other ancient holidays- I simply see mine as another evolution for the concept. Raising my own children, I have found that the importance of family has diminished with the recent generations and I find our "christmas" to be a positive reinforcement of this "old" value.

     But where does this whole thought train come from? Why Facebook of course! Where else? I was sipping my delicious eggnog while listening to my toddlers exert their energy throughout my home, and of course was scrolling Facebook as I am want to do in my quiet time. I happened across a post that one of my friends had commented on- it was a post something like one of these:

 because she only commented on it on one of HER friend's wall, I could not find the exact post again. But the message was the same- "I celebrate Christmas as the sole holiday of the season- if you don't like it I don't care" which, to my friend who was raised celebrating Hanukkah was hurtful. Here was someone, on her own friend list, essentially saying that HER feelings didn't matter because she doesn't celebrate Christmas. Now of course, I'd seen them all over my feed and just rolled my eyes continuing to scroll- to me it was just another manifestation of the arrogance that seems to have absorbed the culture around me. But it genuinely stung my friend. After reading her response, and making sure she knew that I shared her disdain with the post I sat back and thought about the message that was REALLY being sent, and the spirit that the season is meant to bring. 

     The Christian Christmas has traditionally been hailed as a time of "Peace on Earth" and "Goodwill toward Man"-beautiful concepts. It's supposed to be a time where the anger, hate, and prejudice of the world is set aside- where a wandering soul in the night may see a lit candle in the window and know home if only for a night. It is when the birth of the Savior is remembered, as well as the circumstances of that birth. A woman in labor in a strange land where no one will help her gives birth in a stable to a child who would one day wash away the sins of the world, and in reverence to this for the season charitable donations are made, acts of kindness abound, and hope is given to those less fortunate.

     It sounds wonderful- until one finds the new fine print (The New American Arrogant Bible seems to be the first source for this new print- if you happen to adhere to one of the more mature denominations I recommend staying with it- you may just save the image of the Church all together.) where it is spelled out in microscopic letters written in the blood of a virgin that you are worthy of these boons ONLY if you are Christian. Otherwise, you're a heathen and not worthy of attention from the devout. 

     This year has been the worst I've seen- it took several personal "christmas miracles" to revive my holiday spirit- and normally I'm one of the most enthusiastic. But having each of the holidays pitted against each other rather than the harmony that they used to reside in- it really takes away from the spirit of the season. One cannot wish for peace on earth only to turn and spit in their neighbor's face. 

     My point is this; celebrate your holiday. By all means, bask and rejoice in the spirit of the season. Look at those around you, and find warmth in their energy as well, even if its source may not entirely match your own. I promise, it all comes from the same place and in this one time of year, when we can put our differences aside, there is true hope that we may one day know such wonders year-round. Again, to all of you a Happy Holiday, Merry Christmas, Chag Urim Sameach, Furah Kwanza! (Habari Gani?) and Blessed Be. 

As always friends, merry meet and merry part. 
 ~Night Rose
Remember- if you're going to be a dick for the holiday at least save it for the bedroom where it can be appreciated by someone else. ;-)

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