Sunday, July 13, 2014

The pressure before the storm

     Here they were, it was the time. All the excitement and preparation of the past months came to this moment. The gravity of the evening weighed heavily on their shoulders. This could be the big break- they could at last receive recognition for all of their hard work. At least they might gain some new followers; people who would help encourage them to keep going and creating in the future. Just so long as they escaped embarrassment. Crowds could be harsh, and this was in every way a true battle. Sure, everyone was friendly back stage but when it came down to it they were all there for the same purpose- to win. The added exposure was great but they all wanted that prize.

      The band mates exchanged what they hoped were encouraging smiles as they readied to swap sets. All their gear was hand-me-down precious. A guitar from a favorite uncle, a drum kit that Dad had beaten the heart into in his early twenties when he was sure he was going to make it huge. And the mic, a school cast-away when outdated equipment had been replaced. The sentimental value hadn't mattered to the suits- how many speeches had their teachers inspired them with through that mic? Hell, the lead sung her first solo with it. Who cared if the gear wasn't top of the line, in every piece were hopes, dreams, and passion. They made the group feel at home wherever they were.

     "You're on in two minutes, have your stuff ready!" blurted out the head of a small middle-aged man with thinning hair and an overly large headset as it appeared around the corner and then returned to wherever it had been before. They all looked at each other one more time- they were clearly anxious never having played a venue so large before. But mixed into that anxiety was an exhilaration. How many groups never made it out of the garage? This was a huge step. Suddenly the atmosphere of the room changed. They were ready. Alone they were nervous and afraid of messing up; standing on the stage in front of everyone in the spotlight. But now they were one. No one of them was facing those sweaty lights of the stage alone, or the masses beyond them. Separately they flinched under the weight of it all; but together they carried a spark. And that spark was about to light the house on fire.

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